Haiyan Kangyuan Medical Force Broces Co., Ltd.

Kangyuan Medical Process Water Sampling pasi ma le tulaga maualuga

Recently, Jiaxing Market Supervision Administration conducted a comprehensive sampling of the process water of Haiyan Kangyuan Medical Instrument Co., LTD., and announced that the process water of Kangyuan Medical is fully in line with the purified water requirements of the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia , o loʻo faʻamaonia ai le lelei o le puleaina o le malosi o Kangyuan fomaʻi i oloa lelei ma le onosai saogalemu.


O le faʻatulagaina o asiasiga na faʻatautaia e le JIAXID Cleaviveng Shodivesence Advisons and Gorest e Lamia meaai, vailaʻau ma suʻega lelei. Tusa ai ma aiaiga talafeagai ma pisinisi, o le asiasiga a le Ofisa o asiasiga sa faʻatautaia ai le Polokalame tele isi vaega. Ina ua maeʻa ni taamilosaga o le malosi o le suʻega, o iʻuga na faʻaalia ai o le faʻagasologa o le vai o Kangyuan Medical Regicas o le 202 o loʻo faʻamaonia ai le lelei o le Squgnan.

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In the future, Kangyuan Medical will uphold its profound industry accumulation and the spirit of continuous innovation, continue to play a leading role in the medical industry, to ensure that the majority of patients with better quality and safe medical consumables, to make greater contributions to le galuega o le soifua maloloina o tagata.

Taimi o le taimi: Me-29-2024